Sounds from nature

sound recording
I like bird watching, and I would like to improve my skills in recognizing bird sounds, by recording bird sounds. Below some recordings of birds I often hear in the region I live.

Paulo van Breugel


June 17, 2020

I like bird watching, and I would like to improve my skills in recognizing bird sounds, by recording bird sounds. Below some recordings of birds I often hear in the region I live.

Cetti’s warbler

Dutch: Cetti’s zanger, English: Cetti’s warbler, Scientific name: Cettia cetti

Common blackbird

Dutch: Merel, English: Common blackbird, Scientific name: Turdus merula

Common blackbird and Eurasian blackcap in conversation

De Merel en zwartkop in gesprek; The common blackbird and Eurasian blackcap conversation

Common Little Bittern

Dutch: Woudaap, English: Little bittern, Scientific name: Ixobrychus minutus

Common Whitethroat

Dutch: Grasmus, English: Common or greater Whitethroat, Scientific name: Sylvia communis

Eurasian blackcap

Dutch: Zwartkop, English: Eurasian Blackcap, Scientific name: Sylvia atricapilla

Icterine warbler

Dutch: Spotvogel, English: Icterine warbler, Scientific name: Hippolais icterina

Eurasian Reed Warbler

Dutch: Kleine karekiet, English: Eurasian Reed Warbler; Scientific name: Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Lesser Whitethroat

Dutch: Braamsluiper, English: Lesser Whitethroat, Scientific name: Sylvia curruca. Type of sound: call

Savi’s warbler

Dutch: Snor, English: Savi’w warbler, Scientific name: Locustella luscinioides

Song thrush

Dutch: Zanglijster, English: Song thrush, Scientific name: Turdus philomelos