

Tutorials and user notes on the use of open source tools. The objective is to provide some practical / hands-on examples of (spatial) data handling and analysis that can be done in GRASS GIS and related software tools such as R, QGIS and SQLite. Tutorials are grouped according to topic (e.g, import of data) and main software tools. Note that some tutorials may be listed under more than one heading. If you can't find what you are looking for, you may also try the search page.

If you have comments, questions or any other feedback, you can contact us using the contact form, by email (info@ecodiv.earth) or on twitter (@ecodiv). We'll probably add a command section to each of the posts, but for now, please add the url if you are referring to a specific page.



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Using GRASS GIS with other tools

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Code snippets and short notes


Working with raster data

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Data import & export

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Other tutorials and workshops